Mitsubishi Fuso, Aero Star kentiçi otobüsünün yeni bir modelini tanıttı


Daimler Trucks Asia (DTA) çatısı altında Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. (DICV) ile işbirliği yapan Asya’nın önde gelen ticari araç üreticilerinden Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (MFTBC), Aero Star kentiçi otobüsünün yeni bir modelini piyasaya sürdüğünü duyurdu. Yeni Aero Star, Japonya’daki MFTBC satış şirketleri ve bölgesel satış birimleri aracılığıyla satın alınabiliyor.

Yeni Aero Star, ön giriş kapısı açıkken aracın hızlanmasını devre dışı bırakan gaz kilidi güvenlik cihazı ile donatılıyor. Bu yeni güvenlik önlemi, biniş ve iniş sırasında yolcu güvenliğini artırmanın yanı sıra otobüs sürücüleri için kullanım kolaylığı da getiriyor. Orta kapıdaki gaz kilidi önceki modelde zaten bulunuyordu.

Yeni Aero Star ayrıca dikiz aynası aracılığıyla dolaylı görüş ve dış aynanın montaj konumu ile ilgili en son düzenleyici standartlara uygun. Aero Star, günlük taşıma aracı olarak kullanılan kentiçi otobüsleri için gereken yüksek güvenlik ve rahatlık düzeyini sağlayarak gelişmeye devam edecek.

Lhyfe, Aquaterra Energy and Borr Drilling form partnership for pioneering offshore green hydrogen jack-up rig production concept


Lhyfe, renewable hydrogen producer and supplier has signed a partnership with Aquaterra Energy, a leader in global offshore engineering solutions, and offshore drilling contractor Borr Drilling to develop an innovative concept for offshore green hydrogen production in the North Sea.

The organisations behind Project Haldane, will develop an industrial scale offshore green hydrogen production concept, through the deployment of an electrolyser system on a converted jack-up rig.

Reliable winds far out in the North Sea are an exceptional renewable resource, yet remote locations create challenges around grid connectivity and intermittency of supply. This unique, flexible solution will solve this issue by providing an off take for the electricity produced in the immediate vicinity of the windfarm and aims to use existing platforms, pipelines, terminal infrastructure, and offshore equipment leveraging the existing infrastructure to reduce costs.

With governments pushing net zero initiatives forward, this concept offers an alternative deployment of existing assets that provides both a source of green hydrogen and enhances the commercial feasibility of remote offshore wind projects.

“With our expertise in complex offshore operations and fleet management, Borr Drilling will leverage its core capabilities to evaluate the adoption of this alternative energy source in an environment with a large untapped potential. While we will continue to work in our traditional drilling market, this project reinforces our ambition to continuously improve the sustainability of our activities and align our service offering with the changing expectations of our customers and stakeholders.” says Darren Sutherland, Director of Operations at Borr Drilling.

The organisations behind Project Haldane, will develop an industrial scale offshore green hydrogen production concept, through the deployment of an electrolyser system on a converted jack-up rig.

“Lhyfe is already producing renewable hydrogen in industrial quantities onshore, with a direct connection to renewable energy, pumping sea water and purifying it to feed the electrolysis process. This is hence a production process already considering offshore harsh conditions. Over the last few years, we have also been working on different projects to deploy our production process offshore. Offshore wind offers the greatest potential for sustainable hydrogen production because of the cost effectiveness that can be achieved through scalability and technological innovation. The market is yet to deliver a flexible solution that benefits from the existing infrastructure in the North Sea and Lhyfe wants to be at the forefront of this change by creating a world-first green hydrogen production of this kind,” says Matthieu Guesné, CEO at Lhyfe.

“With years of experience in successful delivery of complicated offshore jack up operations, complex structural projects and offshore process systems we are excited to be the interface that brings together the interest of Lhyfe in offshore markets and expands on Borr Drilling’s expertise in jack-up rig equipment. Our unique value here is that we are multilingual in terms of the engineering and operational needs of oil and gas assets, and green energy processing systems. We’re looking forward to taking this from concept to reality,” says James Larnder, Managing Director at Aquaterra Energy.

While the concept is still in its early stages, the consortium welcomes any interested parties to submit enquiries.

UND, Dışişleri Bakanlığı Güney ve Batı Avrupa Genel Müdürü Büyükelçi Şebnem İncesu’yu ziyaret etti


UND Heyeti, 15.10.2021 tarihinde Güney ve Batı Avrupa Genel Müdürü Büyükelçisi Şebnem İncesu’yu makamında ziyaret etti.

Gerçekleştirilen ziyarette uluslararası karayolu taşımacılık sorunları ele alındı.

Büyükelçinin sorumluluk alanlarına giren İtalya, İspanya ve Fransa ülkelerinde yaşanan sorunlar görüşüldü.

Görüşmeye Büyükelçi Şebnem İncesu, Elçi Özgür Çınar, UND İcra Kurulu Başkanı Alper Özel ve UND İcra Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı Kadir Çirkin katılım gösterdi.

UND, Büyükelçi Şebnem İncesu’ya sektör adına teşekkürlerinı arz etti.