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English News

FIAA 2020 supports the bus and coach sector

The International Bus and Coach Trade Fair, FIAA, given the situation caused by the COVID 19 and aware of the difficulties that this industry is going through, wishes to contribute towards normalising the sector as soon as possible. Therefore, IFEMA is maintaining the dates for the largest Trade Fair in Southern Europe for

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English News

MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID affirms its commitment to the Circular Economy in the automotive industry

The 15th Spain’s Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry aimed at professional visitors from the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America and North Africa, MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID, wants to highlight the work of those exhibitors committed to recycling. Nearly 50 companies participating in the next edition of the Exhibition, organized by IFEMA from

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FIAA 2017, kentiçi ve seyahat otobüsü üreticilerini buluşturuyor

Madrid Fuarları’nın 7’nci ve 9’uncu salonlarında 23 – 26 Mayıs tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilecek FIAA 2017 Fuarı’na 12 ülkeden 120 firma katılacak. Firmalar, fuarda teknolojik ilerlemelerinin yanı sıra güvenlik, verimlilik, işlevsellik ve konfor alanlarındaki çözümlerini tanıtacaklar. IFEMA tarafından düzenlenen FIAA Uluslararası Kentiçi ve Seyahat Otobüsü Ticari Fuarı, bu yıl 23 – 26 Mayıs tarihleri

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