Devir Saati

Renault Trucks RTEC after-sales competition has started


The third edition of the Renault Trucks RTEC after-sales competition has started. Since January, 1,642 teams from 86 countries have been facing each other in written tests in the hope of gaining a place in the final. The 24 best teams will then take part in the grand finale to be held in Lyon on 19 June. The RTEC attracts the best international professionals of the Renault Trucks distribution and repair network.

The third edition of the RTEC – the after-sales competition organised for the Renault Trucks international distribution and repair network – has started.

The RTEC is a challenge that combines written and practical tests, highlighting the skills of the best after-sales professionals of the Renault Tracks network worldwide.

1,642 teams totalling 6,134 participants from 86 countries signed up for the pre-selection phase to compete for the title of the “Renault Trucks Best after-sales team“. New countries have joined the competition this year, including Cuba, Chile and Indonesia.

Since January, 1,642 teams from 86 countries have been facing each other in written tests in the hope of gaining a place in the final.

The RTEC is a challenge that combines written and practical tests, highlighting the skills of the best after-sales professionals of the Renault Tracks network worldwide. This competition is also an opportunity to showcase a number of values:

  • The commitment to the brand shown by participants worldwide.
  • Teamwork – Renault Trucks promotes collective work and solidarity.
  • Skills development – RTEC aims to test and improve the knowledge of technicians via written technical questions.
  • Recognition for technicians, who play a daily role in satisfying customers and improving our brand image.
The 24 best teams will then take part in the grand finale to be held in Lyon on 19 June.

The RTEC comprises three rounds:

– Two written rounds, during which all the Renault Trucks network teams entering the competition need to answer two series of thirty-five questions designed to validate and develop their technical skills, knowledge of Renault Trucks tools and procedures, as well as customer relations management.

– An international final to be held in Lyon on 19 June, during which practical tests in real conditions will decide between the 24 best teams.

The best team will then be awarded the title of “Renault Trucks Best after-sales team“.

The RTEC attracts the best international professionals of the Renault Trucks distribution and repair network.