Devir Saati

Trailers with the highest safety standards


An essential aspect for a high level of safety in road traffic is seeing and being seen. Good visibility is also enormously important for truck combinations with trailers and semi-trailers. Cyclists and pedestrians in particular can find themselves in the blind spot from the truck driver’s perspective in certain traffic situations. This is especially true as soon as the truck turns into a bend and cyclists or pedestrians can no longer be seen in the truck mirror at a certain angle. 

To make potential accident victims aware of this danger and ultimately protect them, Krone therefore equips its trailers with clearly visible warning stickers at the neuralgic points. The flashing side marker lights provide even more safety. This flashing signal when turning is intended to warn cyclists of the turning truck so that they approach the potentially dangerous situation with foresight. 

Other sources of danger for other road users can be unlit articulated lorries parked on a dark area or side road. This is where the reflective contour markings on Krone trailers come in handy, as they light up as soon as they are illuminated by car or bicycle lights. 

Better visibility of driving situations also helps to defuse dangerous situations in advance in moving traffic. For this reason, the new Krone Cool Liner is equipped with clearance brake lights on the top of the rear frame as standard to prevent rear-end collisions by following vehicles. In addition, outline brake lights are also available as an option. 

In order to further increase passive safety, Krone has been successively equipping its vehicles with the newly designed rear underrun guard since March. With twice the force absorption and a 100 mm shorter distance to the road, this ensures even more effectively that cars and motorbikes cannot get under the trailer after a rear-end collision. 

Electronic systems also help to prevent dangerous traffic situations from occurring in the first place. For example, the Krone Tyre Pressure Monitoring System permanently measures and checks the pressure in all six trailer tyres. If the tyre pressure drops dangerously, which in the long run can lead to a dangerous tyre blowout, the system warns the driver and he can take appropriate action. 
