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English News

ACH130 Aston Martin Edition helicopter wins orders across the world

Customers on three continents have signed firm contracts for the ACH130 Aston Martin Edition helicopter since its launch earlier this year. The helicopter, one of the most distinctive sights in the skies, will enter service in Latin America, North America and Asia Pacific over the coming months. Launched in January, the ACH130 Aston

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ACH130 Aston Martin edisyonu helikopter, üç kıtadan sipariş aldı

Airbus Corporate Helicopters’ın (ACH) bu yılın başında piyasaya sürdüğü ACH130 Aston Martin edisyonu helikoptere üç farklı kıtada müşteriden sipariş geldi. Helikopter, önümüzdeki aylarda Latin Amerika, Kuzey Amerika ve Asya Pasifik’te hizmete giriyor. Aston Martin’in bir dizi iç ve dış tasarımı ile ocak ayında piyasaya sürülen ve ACH130’un şık ve özel bir sürümü olan

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English News

Airbus teams up with Aston Martin to launch the ACH130 Aston Martin Edition

The ACH130 Aston Martin Edition, the first offering from the recently-announced partnership between Aston Martin Lagonda and Airbus Corporate Helicopters, was revealed at Courchevel in the French Alps. This stylish special edition of the ACH130 helicopter comes equipped with a range of four interior and exterior designs generated by Aston Martin, which will

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