Devir Saati

Business operations of Quantron AG are currently being continued / sales process started

Quantron AG

The business operations of Quantron AG, a system provider of sustainable battery-electric and hydrogen-electric mobility for commercial vehicles, will continue until further notice with the help of a core team of around 40 employees. This was announced by the provisional insolvency administrator, Constantin Graf Salm-Hoogstraeten from the restructuring law firm BBL. For these employees, the pre-financing of the insolvency money has now been secured by a bank, so that their wages and salaries can be paid retroactively for the months of October, November and December.

Quantron has very committed employees who continue to stand by the company. From now on, they will actively support the Management Board and myself in the upcoming restructuring,” emphasizes Graf Salm-Hoogstraeten. All goods ordered by the company from now on with the approval of the provisional insolvency administrator will also be paid for in full.

At the same time, the provisional insolvency administrator has initiated a structured sales process for the company in consultation with the provisional creditors’ committee. “In principle, various restructuring scenarios are conceivable, but from the current perspective, a transferring restructuring with the help of an investor appears to be the most obvious and also the best solution for the creditors,” said Graf Salm-Hoogstraeten.

The provisional creditors’ committee therefore also approved the appointment of the experienced M&A consultancy Raab und Kollegen. They will identify and approach potential investors in Germany and abroad and, together with the provisional insolvency administrator and his team, prepare the implementation of an asset deal as part of a transferring restructuring by the end of the year.

Quantron AG is a system provider of sustainable battery-electric and hydrogen-electric mobility for commercial vehicles such as trucks, buses and vans. The company was founded in July 2019 as a spin-off of Haller GmbH &Co. KG. and most recently employed over 100 people. The background to the current difficulties is still unclear. The provisional insolvency administrator appointed by the Augsburg Local Court on 29.10.2024 and his team are currently analyzing the situation on site and will submit a corresponding expert opinion to the court by the end of December.


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